Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastName of School *Email *Which of the following reasons best describes why you were interested in a Nutri Troops roadshowTo help students learn about nutritionTo support existing nutrition learning in the schoolTo try a different type of learningIt fits our national curriculum planWe had heard about Nutri TroopsWhat did you like about the roadshow? Tick all that applyPeter and Jordan’s style of presentingActivity SheetsPhysical activityNutri Troops charactersWas it the right length of time?YESNOWould you recommend the Nutri Troops roadshow to other schools?YESNOWas there anything missing from the roadshow?YESNOIf YES, please give details.Was the Nutri Troops roadshow well organisedStrongly AgreeAgreeNeither Agree or DisagreeDisagreeStrongly DisagreeWould you sign up for future free Nutri Troops roadshows?YesNoWould you provide us with a quote about the programme that we can use on our website and social media pages?Are there any other comments you would like to make?Submit Share this:Tweet