Midsummer Place Christmas Tree Festival 2024! |
We are thrilled to be sponsored by Nutri Troops to be part of the Midsummer Place Christmas Tree Festival 2024! Get into the spirit of the season by taking a stroll through the mall at Midsummer Place. You’ll see our tree, No 14, decorated with Nutri Troops characters on a race track – you can’t miss it! Everyone in the community is being invited to vote for their favourite three trees within the display. Midsummer Place will then make a cash donation to the three with the most votes at the end of the festival!

So we need you help!
Please help us be in the top three! To vote for the 5 On It Christmas tree, go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GC3RQKY and select tree No 14 or click button below.