Golden Games Photography/Videography Permission Form


The Golden Games on Thursday 8th August 9am – 1p at St Paul’s Catholic School Phoenix Drive, Leadenhall MK6 5EN is a major event taking in place in Milton Keynes. There will be an official photographer and videographer taking photographs and filming activities/interviews. These images may appear in any of 5 On It Foundation’s and partners marketing mediums including printed, digital (including web and social media) and within newspaper, radio and television media. To comply with Data Protection Legislation including the Data Protection Bill 2018 and General Data Protection Regulation ((EU 2016/679) or any replacement legislation applicable in England and Wales, we need your permission before we can take/use photographs or make any recordings of you and/or your child/children. You should be aware that social media platforms and web publications means that information about you or your child/children is available world-wide, including in countries where there is no data protection legislation. Please read the statement below and then sign and date the form where shown: I grant permission to use the photographs and or video film taken of/provided by me and or my child/children at St Paul’s Catholic School on the date detailed above for the purpose of marketing for any commercial or non-commercial purposes in all and any media including, without limitation, in printed publications, presentations, promotional materials, or on 5 On It and partners website, social media platforms and in news media (“Specified Purposes”), in its original format or edited or altered in any way deemed appropriate. I do not object to 5 On It Foundation storing copies of the photographs/video recordings of me or my child/children for the Specified Purposes or to it storing my contact details on its database in case it needs to contact me. I can revoke this consent at any time by notifying the 5 On It Foundation. However, I understand that 5 On It Foundation and partners are under no obligation to retract images already in circulation prior to or on the date the date we receive notice. I also confirm that my testimonial/story (if applicable) can be used with or without my photo/video for the same purposes as detailed above. I have read and understood the statement above.