A Fantastic Initiative from TVP!

Thames Valley Police (TVP) have launched a rap/spoken word competition called ‘The Knife Sentence’. The competition aims to raise awareness of the impact of knife crime on individuals and communities and give young people the opportunity to express their feelings against violence.  It invites anyone aged 11 – 25 to submit their own Knife Sentence; a short rap, spoken word performance or written lyrics about how they feel about knife crime and violence in Milton Keynes.  It forms part of the activity that is taking place during December’s Month of Action Against Violence, which will also see the hosting of the National Monument Against Violence and Aggression, also known as the Knife Angel, outside MK Stadium.  

For more details go to  https://www.thamesvalley-pcc.gov.uk/news/young-people-invited-to-rap-speak-write-about-knife-crime/

The competition page is https://www.thamesvalley-pcc.gov.uk/knife-sentence-competition/